SMA Sondermaschinenbau und Industrieservice Stadtilm GmbH
Weimarische Straße 56 b
99326 Stadtilm
control authority: District Court Jena
Registration number: HRB 107045
Sales tax identification number: DE 161161311
Manager: Mr. Thomas-A. Dargel
According to §5 paragraph 1 TDG we are only exclusively responsible for own contents. We are only responsible for links on foreign contents of the third suppliers according to §5 paragraph 2 TDG, if we have positive knowledge from an illegal or punishable salary and if it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent their use. Also we are not obliged to check the content of supplies of third for their illegality or punishability in periodical distances. As soon as we get to know from the illegal content of the web pages of third, the suitable link will removed from our site. Furthermore we would expressly like to stress the fact that we have no leverage on the creation and the contents of the linked sites. Herewith we expressly dissociate ourselves from all contents of all linked sites on the whole website incl. all pages. This explanation applies to all links proposed on the homepage and to all contents of the sites to which links or banners lead. Should contents of these Internet supplies offend against valid copyright or the brand law, these contents will be removed on tip fastest possible.
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